Kim Jong Un remains leader in a SHOCKING 100% landslide victory! In the Democratic of North Korea I figured he was going to lose out to the person running against him. Who ran against him? No one. In fact, the vote was "pre-determined" and no one else was aloud to run. Is any of this shocking news to anyone anywhere? I am assuming (yeah, going WAY out on a limb here) that if someone were to run against him that they would still lose. Not "lose" in the pure sense of the word but "lose" in the same way his uncle lost. You know, the one that Un had murdered as a traitor...
If you ever get upset about any way you are "inconvenienced" here in the good old USofA, just think about how much fun it would be in North Korea. We are arguing over legalization of gay marriage and they are not aloud to legally have free thought. FUN!!!